ok, i finally figured out what was going on with the stripping/replacing of certain characters within code tags
i had to make this change in functions.php:
$code = "<pre style='max-width:90em!important';><code class='language-$code_lang'>".str_replace(array("\n","\t"), array(" ","	"), htmlspecialchars($code))."</code></pre>";
$code = "<pre style='max-width:90em!important';><code class='language-$code_lang'>".str_replace(array("\n","\t"), array(" ","	"), $code)."</code></pre>";
funny enough thats the same line i changed to enable highlighting but my dumb ass did not consider what htmlspecialchars() was doing
previously, code blocks within a posts body had HTML characters double-escaped
HTML renders escaped characters back into their original non-escaped form, but not double-escaped characters
now that those characters are only escaped once, code in code tags wont have any replaced characters (after your browser renders them)
>i also changed max_body from 1800 to 5800 so you can make much longer posts now