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Arisu Theme Lain Theme

/q/ - arisuchan meta

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i used to love arisuchan and was upset it died so i made my own

feel free to post here with comments/questions or reach out to me directly at #main

>> i removed reCAPTCHA and implemented a self-hosted captcha solution instead

im planning on keeping this place running for a very long time (I have a job and can afford to pay for it many times over)

don't post anything illegal



Just stumbled across this after remembering arisuchan.
You should advertise this somewhere. This place is deader than disco. Everyone thinks arisuchan is dead so maybe spread the word of the successor.


advertising is kind of like spam. and not all users are good users. id rather this place be a little low-key.

there is probably a sweet spot between advertising in random places and not advertising at all. Its not all that important to me to get lots of users here.

ideally, if there was a small user base here id prefer it to be more like the old arisuchan user base. I'm not sure where to advertise to get that. and i don't mind slow (or very slow) organic growth. organic growth did bring you here, after all.

maybe ill start some generic threads to help drive content for when people do stumble on this place, id rather do that than advertise tbh.


Holy shit Arisuchan is back!!!
(none of the old users?)

Hope you don't mind if I lurk a while.


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none of the old users (for now)
none of the old staff (dont know any of them)

thanks for posting! lurk as long as you'd like.
feel free to let people know we are here as well

also, come hang out in IRC sometime if you'd like. we are usually most active there on weekdays during working hours. but you can typically find someone active most days/times if you stick around long enough


some of the old staff and users are on i guess you could ask around there


you respond fast lmao

as per my explanation in >>7 im not super interested in advertising, i dont mind if other people do though (just not here lol)


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I removed /ru/ cause its been unused for a year now

I also cant speak russian that well anyways

if ruskis actually express interest in coming here ill bring it back


So, where you around when the old ArisuChan still existed?


yep, i was a daily user for quite some time


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Well that's good.
Anyway, best of luck in your revival attempt.
Although it has probably been too long gone at this point with the internet and its userbase having changed.
Still old Arisuchan was a comfy place. : )


thank you!

ill try my best to keep this place nice and cozy as well


dang this place loads slow for me
on the other hand its snowing here


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weird, not sure why it loads slow for you. ive never had that happen for me.
how slow are we talking? do you happen to be browsing from Tor?

specifically you and one other poster log as IPv6 addresses that are actually a cloudflare proxy, but that doesn't happen for my own posts from both IPv4 and IPv6 sources.

i have all the right config for that and ive tested it pretty thoroughly so finding this out just now is actually a bit annoying lol (if you arent using Tor or similar that is, if you are then this makes sense)

perhaps that and the IP thing im seeing *could* be related

wondering if i overlooked something with a recent config change

ill keep an eye on it and see if i can come up with a test for those issues, gonna find some time to double check some of my routing config too i guess

thanks for letting me know, i appreciate the heads up

fuckin computers


posting from tor yeah
computers indeed
anyway its not slow now so IDK if that was a hiccup somewhere on the line or you fixed something or what

I like your curious captcha


ok that makes sense

i didn't make any changes, just double checked some things though. nice cause that just reaffirms to me that i haven't fucked up lmao

also, now i know that when i see one of those IP addresses in logs its because the user is on Tor. I wouldn't have realized that without you saying something so thanks again lol

>I like your curious captcha

me too! i was looking around for a self-hosted captcha solution that was really minimal and came across it here (i dont know the guy who made it)

its always a great feeling finding something like that thats perfect for the job though

i like his explanation on how it works too, i had never really considered how a captcha should work before i read that


I was looking for arisuchan archives and then this. Bookmark'd.
I hope the revival succeeds, will definitely be glad to see the community revive.


My last post doesn't appear. Can I post? I'd be so glad we get Arisuchan again.


thanks for the support, i would like to see that too

by creating new threads that you'd like to see, contributing to established threads, as well as bringing people you know to the site - you will be helping in bringing this place back

im only laying the ground-work so to speak, its up to the (now scattered) community to bring arisuchan back to life

sometimes it takes an additional page refresh before you see the post you just made
(edit: this only happens after making a new post and going back to /all/ and im fine with that right now tbh)


i made the sites margins smaller today

the CSS i stole from the arisuchan archive is a bit… interesting

this change is now probably the biggest deviation from the archive, stylistically speaking

i also increased post size by quite a bit and fixed code block processing

the sites theme feels a bit more article-like now, thats what im learning towards. more info on the screen at once, hopefully encouraging people to write long-form here


made a bunch more CSS changes this morning

enabled thread auto-updating JS, customized it a bit (its ugly as fuck by default)

made the navbar reactive

added nav links for mobile users


Hello, I found this place from lainchan.

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